You can open up your learners’ options for moving around course content by adding text links.

It is possible to add links in most text fields (such as body or instructions) in Adapt. To link between pages of content in your course you need to link to the pages "ID".

To do so find the page in the authoring tool click the cog (1) and select copy ID (2).

Cog icon next to the Page panelA popup menu displaying options Edit, Copy ID to clipboard

Then select the text (3) and insert a link (4) into the body text where you want to link from.

Text editor with the number 3 indicating highlighted text. Number 4 points to the "Link" button within the text editor.

Then on the link panel set the protocol to other (5) and enter #/id/ followed by the ID copied above (6).

The popup that is revealed when clicking on the link button. This displays number 5 the Protocol field being changed to <other>. The number 6 indicates the URL field being filled with an example ID link.