This can be done using the menu lock feature contained within the project settings of the course and/or page settings.
Sequential locking of pages
This type ensures that each page only becomes unlocked once the previous page has been completed by the learner. For example, page 2 will only become unlocked when page 1 has been completed, page 3 will unlock on page 2 completion and so on. Upon completion of a page, it will remain accessible for the remainder of the course.
Setting up sequential page locking
Go into the project settings of the course and set the menu lock type to Sequential
Setting it to this option will ensure that the pages in the course will only become available once their predecessor has been completed
Custom locking of pages
Custom locking pages are slightly more complex, and must be based on a field in each page's setting called 'lockedBy'.
The main purpose of this locking type is for a learner to have access to specific pages in any logical combination or order, based on pages they have completed.
For example :
Page 1 - Initial access granted on launching the course
Page 2 - Accessed once Page 1 has been completed
Page 3 - Also accessed once Page 1 has been completed
Page 4 - Accessed only once Page 1 & Page 2 have been completed
Page 5 - Accessed once Pages 1 & 3 have been completed
In this instance the learner would only gain access to the specific pages based on their initial choice of pages 2 or 3, but have access to all pages once 2 and 3 have been retrospectively completed.
Set up of custom page locking
Go into the project settings of the course and select Custom from the Menu lock type menu
In the editor select a gear settings icon of the page you wish to be completed in order for another page to become unlocked. This should copy an ID to your clipboard eg: 615db2e0ae0tyd0703990e13
Go into the page you want to remain locked until this page of the ID you copied has been completed and find the locked by field
Paste in the ID of that other page in order for this one to become unlocked. For example, if Page 1 id is 615db2e0ae0tyd0703990e13, you would page this ID into all other pages that are reliant on Page 1’s completion
NOTE : You may repeat this process and make use of the add button under the locked by field to add multiple page IDs if multiple page completion is required.
NOTE: Page IDs are specific to each instance of a course in the authoring tool. If you copy a course the IDs will change and therefore you will need to update the lock settings.